12/20/2020 - 12/21/2020

Christmas Hope

Even in isolation, hope remains constant. A connection has been made, Emmanuel – God with us.



Join us for a special online Christmas Eve gathering.

12/21/2019 - 12/22/2019

Christmas Hope

Celebrate Christmas with us. There is a light that shines in the darkness. And the darkness has not overcome it.

12/22/2018 - 12/23/2018

Christmas Hope

We often sanitize the Christmas account, but in reality, it was really quite messy and full of broken people. And that was on purpose.

12/2/2018 - 12/16/2018

Christmas Expectations God's Will

We're diving deep into the Christmas account, and how it came to be, to unwrap what God had planned for a weary world.

12/18/2021 - 12/19/2021

Christmas Hope Joy

The message of Christmas is one that brings great joy to all people. But with a closer look, we find that that joy means so much more!

12/4/2022 - 12/18/2022

Christmas Hope

For most of us, the Day after Christmas, the goal is to get back to normal. But the day after the first Christmas, things would never be normal again.


Christmas Grief Hope Joy

The weary world rejoices… We sing it every year, but do we ever stop to think about what it really means? If the world is weary by definition, how can it rejoice?