What's The Catch?

4/21/2024 - Josh Cadwell

Sometimes following Jesus for what He promises can seem to good to be true, right? What’s the catch? In this message, we’re looking at an account that started as skepticism and ended in surrender. When we further investigate this interaction with Jesus, we’ll discover what it means to truly follow and be transformed by Him.


A Question Worth Asking

4/7/2024 - Josh Cadwell

Many have left the Christian faith or deconstructed their faith because of a bad experience they’ve had or a circumstance they’ve faced. In this message, we’re venturing back to start looking at historical evidence that will lead us to a question worth asking.

A Faith That Works

4/14/2024 - Josh Cadwell

Scripture tells us that a faith without works is dead. Jesus Followers are called to have a faith that works. What if believers actually carried out their faith and set an example DOING what Jesus calls us to DO? In this message, we’re examining historical evidence that started a movement, and laying the groundwork for an active faith.

What's The Catch?

4/21/2024 - Josh Cadwell

Sometimes following Jesus for what He promises can seem to good to be true, right? What’s the catch? In this message, we’re looking at an account that started as skepticism and ended in surrender. When we further investigate this interaction with Jesus, we’ll discover what it means to truly follow and be transformed by Him.

The Great Divide

4/28/2024 - Mark Miller

When investigating Jesus, we find that sin has a detrimental effect on relationships, and therefore creates a chasm between us and God. Worse yet, it creates a great divided between us and them, those who are lost. But Luke’s gospel leaves us with Jesus’ parables emphasizing the importance of reaching out to the lost with a heart like God's.

A Divine Rescue

5/5/2024 - Josh Cadwell

What do you do with all the pain in the world? Why do bad things happen to good people? If you’ve ever asked questions like those, you aren’t alone. But when we investigate Jesus, we find that He too experienced grief, pain, sorrow, and suffering. What was it all for and when will He make it right? Today’s message gives us a new perspective on pain and evil in the world, and invites us to look at the bigger picture in heaven and on earth.