Day 11 5/24/2021 - It's time to practice living out a new anthem! You are always moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts. What is the soundtrack playing over your life? Replace it with an anthem full of God's truth! Read more
Day 10 5/21/2021 - We get to choose what we think about. What toxic thoughts do you have that need to be replaced by God's truth? Destroy the stronghold of lies, and unlock God's peace. Read more
Day 9 5/20/2021 - We get to choose what we focus on each day. Take your thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ. Live out His truth in your life and believe to your core that you can't lead a positive life with toxic thoughts. Read more
Day 8 5/19/2021 - Every day we get to choose to live God's way. Scripture shows us that when we do, God keeps his promises and is faithful, bringing blessings and fruitfulness to our lives. Will you choose to live in His promises each new day? Read more
Day 7 5/18/2021 - Today, we're continuing to take a deeper look at who we are in Jesus, and how we can use the truth that we've been made new to demolish strongholds in our mind. Read more