What Breaks Your Heart?
Written by: Margie Davis
In January of 2016, Josh Cadwell preached a sermon series called “RE:SOLUTION. He talked about how our NY Resolutions basically ask the same question-“What should I do about me?” And he challenged us to change our thinking from “what needs to me done about me” to “what needs to be done around me?”
Our leadership team even did months of research to find the areas of greatest need in our community and made a booklet for us so we would have choices. He said that he knows there are so many needs in our world and we can’t meet every need but in flipping through that booklet, what is the one thing that makes you think “something needs to be done about that?” And then Josh asked THE life changing and somewhat disturbing question. “What breaks your heart?”
In that moment, God SPECIFICALLY called me to do more in the area of helping women who find themselves in a crisis situation with their pregnancy. I picked up the phone first thing on Monday morning and I called CareNet Pregnancy Center. I had felt a nudge for years every time I filled up my baby bottle with money during our annual Baby Bottle Campaign for CNPC, but I would just ignore it.
When I called the center that Monday morning, I only intended to volunteer to answer phones, clean their facility, sort baby clothes or whatever else they could use me for. But GOD had much more in mind. They needed peer counselors. I said “oh, I don’t think I’m qualified for that” and they said “we will fully train you.” And they did!
During that period of training, something in me shifted. I started feeling such a compassion for the women who have been lied to about what abortion really means. The only way to feel “ok” about their decision to terminate their pregnancy is if they can be convinced that their babies aren’t quite human yet. And those lies are literally EVERYWHERE!
I continued to be saddened that even among some of my Christian friends, I see social media posts agreeing with the “my body, my choice” movement in order to justify abortion as a means of birth control. We DO get to choose many things with our lives and our bodies, but ending another life never has been and never will be one of those things. I have counseled many women who have had a past abortion and continue to carry the feelings of shame, regret and of feeling unworthy of forgiveness. THIS BREAKS MY HEART!!!
But this post isn’t about being pro-life. This is about being willing to go where God calls you to go! He broke my heart for the deceived woman in an unplanned pregnancy. If I can be a part of helping even one woman decide to NOT terminate her pregnancy, there will literally be a life SAVED! I don’t have the same passion for other areas of need. I will help where I can and when I can.
What is He breaking YOUR heart over? I knew that my years of ignoring the nudge when I saw the baby bottle on my counter were over. There was going to be more required of me than just throwing more money in the bottle! It was time to get boots on the ground!
What is stirring in you right now? We have in our very hands the answer to every need in the world, but we’re overwhelmed by the enormity of it! If we forget that we are made in His image, we will get frozen in place thinking we aren’t good enough to be used! And if you are thinking things like, “I don’t have the time, energy or ability” please remember that voice in your head is NOT God! He is not the discourager. You know who is.
God’s calling on your life is relentless. Stop running for a minute and let Him walk beside you and tell you what HE wants you to do! And then take a deep breath and do it!!!! Don’t get to the end of your life and find you still have “left overs.” Use up every bit of your life! Yes, it may cost you time and resources you’d rather spend on something else. It WILL mean giving part of your life away. But that’s the point, right? Matthew 10:39 says “…whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.”
The world needs us Christians. He doesn’t break your heart for you to just sit and wish someone else would step up. It’s YOU! Let’s roll!