Ruler of Heaven and Earth


Written by: Frieda Dowler

Everyone I know is deeply concerned about the upcoming November presidential election. The chaos and confusion in our country are running high and the rhetoric from each political party promises a brighter future if we choose the right person as our president. One thing is sure; the job of making America a proud and prosperous country again is more than a single person can deliver. We are in a mess.

When there seems to be no way, God provides a way. But it’s not usually in a straight line and it’s not always pretty. Sometimes the way gets darker before it gets brighter. But out of darkness can come profound change.

I believe America is in the midst of some bleak times. But we have the opportunity right now to effect a profound change in our country. We have a calling to seek God for our country’s survival. If ever there was a time to pray for our country, our leaders, our communities, our neighbors, and families, it is now. If ever there was time for salvation and revival, it’s now!

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT

The above scripture is quoted often during a national crisis. It is considered The Revival Prayer for All the Ages because it reveals a principal for God’s people throughout the ages. Seeking God in times of trouble is the only way through any grim situation. I believe God is urging hearts to turn to him. There is a lot of talk about this time in our history as the End of Days. We should pray like the end is near – always. We should be diligent in our pursuit and declaration of God.

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 2 Timothy 4:2 NIV

When things are calm it seems like we don’t need God. Often he fades into the background as we enjoy the benefits of a good life. We forget to be grateful. But when a crisis occurs, we plead for help from God. He shows up when things get messy. God even allows them, so we’ll know we need Him. This is how He gets our attention.

I see these bleak times as having purpose. We need the chaos to know we need the calm. So I will remember during this time that the chaos has its place. God allows chaos to remind us we need calm and peace. And the way to peace is in seeking God.

We are, after all, citizens of two kingdoms. The kingdom of the world and the kingdom of God. If we allow our soul to dwell in the Kingdom of God, we will have peace. We can rest in knowing he has everything planned according to his will.

God rules the heavens and the earth. They are both his creations. He is king over all. God has set up kings and kingdoms throughout history. He has a plan to rescue humanity from the evil one even when it doesn’t look like it.

This is how I plan to endure the election, the results, and the ensuing policy changes that WILL affect my life. I will seek peace for my soul by reminding myself that I am a citizen of another kingdom. God has a plan. His kingdom has no end, and He is the ruler who never changes. He never lies. He has our best interests at heart. He will lead us in the way of peace. He will love us and teach us to love others.

[God] is about to break into the open with his rule, so proclaim the Message with intensity, keep on your watch. Challenge, warn, and urge your people. Don’t ever quit. Just keep it simple. But you- keep your eye on what you’re doing: accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive, do a thorough job as God’s servant. 2 Timothy 4: 2, 5 The Message