Parenting Tips From the Father


Written By: Christina Gregory

On the roster for Most Okayest Parent, you can find me somewhere in the middle. I’m far from an expert in parenting and I’ll happily give all the credit to God for any good found in my children! I’m just doing my best to do the next right thing…whatever that is. And even that is up for debate.

Parenting advice is found in all forms, on every platform, from those with the highest credentials and otherwise. But that’s not what this is. This list isn’t a reflection of the things that I do right and it doesn’t guarantee your child to rank highest amongst their peers. These are characteristics of God that I’ve experienced through Him as my Father. While we will certainly never measure up to the parent that God is, the standard He has set for us as earthly parents has the ability to have a rippling effect of holiness through generations to come. I pray this list doesn’t lead you to shame, but serves as a True North to those preparing for parenting, in the thick of it, or in loving the children around you!

1. I imagine “Do as I say not as I do,” is a universal experience. You’ve either had it said to you as a child or have said it to your own children, but likely both! But God calls us to “Do as I say AND as I do!” His character is the standard! And almost like He knew that following the character of the all righteous, Creator of the universe, omnipresent God could seem a little daunting and unrelatable He sends His only Son…in human form…with human problems to show us how it’s done. At our core, I’m sure we all aim to be good role models for our children. At least on our best days. But the stressors of life and the sins that we’re shackled to create a chasm between not only who we want to be for our children and ourselves but also between us and the Father. As we align our character with that of Jesus’ we draw closer to Him and also create a more consistent example for our children. Win win!

“In your lives you must think and act like Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5

2. God does not antagonize His children. He isn’t mocking us when we’re discouraged or leading us to anger. He doesn’t laugh at our weaknesses or push our buttons. While I am certain that God has quite the sense of humor, it is not at our cost. He isn’t harsh with His correction and His anger is never impulsive. Instead He parents with loads of grace and takes every opportunity to use all behaviors as a teaching moment, which draws us closer to Him.

Colossians 3:21 says, “Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.”

Children face so many discouragements outside the home. Home should be a safe place where a child’s character and dignity isn’t up for jabs. Where discipline and redirection is warranted and for righteousness sake.

3. God is consistent. This might be my favorite of all of God's wonderful characteristics, and also the hardest as a human to achieve. God isn’t catching us off guard with a rash tone because He’s had a hard day pacing the floors of Heaven. He doesn’t discipline us one day for something He laughed about the day before. His rules aren’t fluid. He does what He says He’s going to do. He is steady, solid and reliable. Not only does this create more harmony but also more trust.

Good or bad, I like to know what to expect. When I come to God with a problem or a praise I know I’ll be received lovingly. The expectations God has for me are crystal clear and have remained the same for all his children for generations upon generations. His promises to us have not wavered despite where we’ve failed Him.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

4. The most important of them all, God is forgiving. That shame that keeps reminding you of all you’ve done wrong…that isn’t God. That sin that you feel is keeping you at arms length from the Father…God isn’t afraid of it. What’s done is done. With each repentance, your slate is washed clean.

Thanks to the blood of Jesus our children have the right to experience the freedom of repentance and forgiveness from their Heavenly Father and their earthly parents. Let us give the forgiveness we’ve received. Early and often, free of condemnation and shame.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:19