About the series...

Join us in-person or online for our Doomsday Prep series from August 4 - August 25!
If the world ended today, would you be ready?

Both believers and non-believers alike have many questions when it comes to the topic of the end of the world. Some of the ones we hear most frequently are:

  • Are we living in the end times?
  • What are the signs that will warn us of the times?
  • Will there be a rapture? And if so, will we know about it?
  • How should a Jesus follower live IF we ARE living in the end times?

If you’ve ever been curious about any of that, the Bible gives us clear instructions on what the last days will look like, and how we can prepare ourselves.

Are you ready?





Our Terminology/​Definitions used in this series:

The Antichrist:
Represents any false teacher who denies Christ's true nature. (1 John 2:18-23; 4:1-3; 2 John 7)

Signs of the times:
Refers to Jesus's first coming, not predictions of the end times. (Matt. 16:1-3)

The Last Days:
Were initiated at Pentecost to alert the church to be ready for Christ’s return. (James 5:1-3; 2 Peter 3:3; 1 Pet 1:20, 2 Tim 3:1, Jude 17-19, Acts 2:14-24, Heb 1:1-2)

Describes believers being "caught up" to meet Christ. (Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43; 24:36-41 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

The Battle of Armageddon:
A battle that is never fought, but symbolizes the ongoing fight between Jesus followers and the forces of evil.(Revelation 16:13-16, 19:11-21)

A Remnant of people who submit themselves to the rule of God. (1 Peter 2:4-10 , Galatians 3:28, 6:16; Ephesians 2:15-16, Romans 10:1, 11:16-18)

Biblical Prophecy:
Prosecutes and persuades a rebellious people. Prophecy Reveals always reveals three things: Who God is, what God desires , and what God demands of us.

We recommend the following resources for a deeper dive on this topic:

- Simplifying Revelation: Shane J. Wood , Ph.D. (YouTube channel playlist)
- Faith Once and For All by Jack Cottrell (Amazon Link)
- Gods One Tree - Transformational Theology(View Document)
- Watch our 'You Might Hate Heaven' Sermon Series (View Series)


At Victory, it's come as you are. You're welcome here!

We understand showing up at a new place for the first time can be nerve-wracking, so here's more information about Victory and what you can expect. Every environment at Victory is designed with YOU in mind. And whether you're planning to join us in person or online, we can't wait to connect with you!


Something we celebrate every week at Victory is our first time guests! Be sure to stop by our Connection Center during your visit for a free gift and more info about our church. Plan Your Visit to let us know you're coming!


From the parking lot to the auditorium and everywhere in between, our First Impressions team is here to welcome you, guide you, and answer any questions you have.


We believe the songs we sing affect the lives we live. All of our services have a live band that leads us in engaging worship. During this series, you can expect to hear a mix of new and familiar songs.


Throughout this series our Lead Minister will teach from our Franklin campus, and the sermon will be broadcasted to our other locations and online platforms. Each week you can expect biblically based teaching with real-life applications.


Whatever makes you comfortable. Most people wear jeans and a t-shirt. If you feel more comfortable in a suit or a dress, wear that! At Victory, it's come as you are! Everyone is welcome here. 


Victory Kids offers age appropriate environments and programming for children all the way from newborn to 4th grade. Our Victory Kids environments consist of Early Childhood (birth-Pre K) and Elementary (K-4th Grade). Your kids will have a blast learning about Jesus in these environments, allowing you able to focus on our main gatherings in the Auditorium. Be sure to fill out our family pre-registration below before you get here for a quick, easy check-in process! (Please note: There is no kids or students programming during our 8:00am service).


Our 5th-8th grade students meet on Sunday mornings at the same time as our adult worship gatherings at 9:30 & 11:00am. (There is no kids or students programming during our 8:00am service). During the gatherings, students will enjoy fellowship, worship, games, small group discussion, and a message geared toward the lives of 5th-8th grade students. Be sure to fill out our family pre-registration below before you get here for a quick, easy check-in process! 


High School Gatherings begin August 11, and will take place most Sunday evenings from 6:00p-8:00p. There is a time for everything, and we believe that the time to gather with other high school students is one of the most important times of the week. Our goal is to create and provide a relationally engaging environment. At our gatherings we allow for plenty of time to hang out, have fun, eat dinner, and talk about the stuff every high school student goes through and how God has purposely designed us to go through it.


If you are new, please use the Pre-Register button below to add yourself and your family to our system ahead of time so that you may check-in when you arrive! We can't wait to meet you!


We are so excited you are planning to join us, and we want to be ready for you when you arrive! Fill out the form below to let us know when you plan to visit and who all is coming with you so that we can prepare and plan ahead to make sure that you and your family have the best experience possible when visiting Victory! When you arrive, one of our Connection Center gamechangers (volunteers) will be ready to receive you!

Our Doomsday Prep series will run from August 4- August 25. Join us at our Franklin Campus at 8:00*, 9:30, 11:00am or at our Indy Campus at 10:45am.

* There is no kids or students programming during our 8:00am service.


Come gather with us! Join us at one of our in-person locations this Sunday! Click on the options below for service times and directions.

Franklin Campus

If the world ended today, would you be ready? Would your loved ones be ready? Who are you inviting?


Press and hold one of our shareable invite images below to save it to your phone. If you're on desktop, right-click and save the image. Share the invitation with a personal message to a friend via text, email, or on social media.

You could say something like, "I really think you would enjoy my church. Would you be interested in coming with me this Sunday?" Scroll to the bottom of this page for more ways to invite.

Come And See Invite
Sunday Invite
Come and See Invite 2
Victory Everywhere invite
QR Invite


Invest and Invite. Don't ever underestimate the power of an invitation. Sometimes all it takes is a simple invite to build a meaningful relationship and jumpstart someone’s spiritual journey. We get that inviting someone to church may feel like a challenge, but it doesn't have to! Below we've included ways to help you invite others to Victory with you.

  • Watch this video about who to invite, and how.
  • Casually ask a friend, family member, neighbor or colleague to join you at our Franklin Campus location or to watch with you online through Victory Everywhere.
  • Host a watch party or invite someone over social media using one of our sharable invites on this page.
  • Text a friend and invite them to next Sunday's service.
  • Share the Victory Everywhere livestream link on your social media pages.


To invest and invite, you have to help other see what Jesus is offering. Simply put "Come and See." But maybe you're not sure what to say, or how to even start that conversation? Maybe you're afraid they'll ask a question that you won't be able to answer?

But, guess what? You don't have to be perfect. Just be real. Just be yourself. Your faith and your story will speak volumes when it comes time. Let God do the rest.

Just get them talking. Tell them your story and get to know theirs as well! It's amazing what God can do in this moment and where He will lead your conversation. Try to say something like this:

  • "Hey, do you have a church? I'd love for you to join me at Victory!" (Or, join me on my watch party!)
  • "Would you like to attend church with me? I attend Victory and our gathering happen at [insert gathering times]. You pick the time that works best for you and we can go together!"
  • "My church has great music and relevant messages each and every week. If you would like to check it out in person let me know, or here's the link to our livestream. You can watch it from home to see how you like it!"
  • "I'd love you tell you sometime what God has done in my life. Attending Victory has changed my life, and I'd love to share my story with you."


At some point, we're going to get turned down, but that is okay! You've started a conversation. You've started a connection. You've let someone know that you care. Now, allow God to work in their life. Don't get discouraged. Continue to pray for them and try again later.