12/18/2021 - 12/19/2021

Christmas Hope Joy

The message of Christmas is one that brings great joy to all people. But with a closer look, we find that that joy means so much more!

12/5/2021 - 12/12/2021

The true meaning of Christmas often gets buried by trees, lights, gifts, etc. But as we prepare our hearts during this advent season, we want to make room for Christmas....

11/7/2021 - 11/28/2021

Generosity Impact Mission-Minded Missions

We want to go above and beyond in our generosity. Together we can give, serve, and love those in our community and around the world.

10/3/2021 - 10/31/2021

Discipleship Love Mission-Minded Prayer

Jesus commands us to love our neighbor. To love our neighbor we want to bless our neighbor, because a love like that could change the world...again!

9/12/2021 - 9/26/2021

Grief Peace Purpose Struggle

What do you do when there’s nothing to do? You feel stuck. Your situation is far from ideal. You don’t know what’s next. So what do you do… In the...

8/15/2021 - 9/5/2021

We live in a culture that promotes being comfortable. But As Christians, Jesus doesn’t call us to be comfortable. Church is not about preference. It’s about knowing God and playing...

7/25/2021 - 8/8/2021

Discipline Perseverance Transformation

The greatest potential for who God is calling you to be depends on the decisions you are making right now. We're going for the gold - training to be spiritual...

7/4/2021 - 7/18/2021

Bible Truth

We're setting the record straight on some of the most common misconceptions and taken-out-of-context Scriptures, and diving right into the truth. His truth. Because...GOD NEVER SAID THAT!