11/1/2020 - 11/8/2020

Community Generosity Giving Impact Missions

We want to go above and beyond in our generosity. Together we can rescue, feed, and care for those in need in our community and around the world.

10/11/2020 - 10/25/2020

Spiritual Warfare

Stand your ground against the dark powers of this world; the spiritual forces of evil. This is the reality of spiritual warfare.

8/23/2020 - 10/4/2020

Discipleship Faith Life Change Transformation

If we didn't know anything about faith, where would we start? Join us as we go all the way back to the beginning of Christianity - the starting point of...

8/2/2020 - 8/16/2020

1 Samuel Exodus Genesis Weaknesses

An anti-hero is not a villain, but a person who's biggest weakness is their self. Discover how God uses broken people, the anti-hero, to change the world.

7/12/2020 - 7/26/2020

Courage Faith Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer, but often we pray too small. What would happen if we started to pray more dangerous prayers?


Culture Racial Issues Reconciliation Unity

This special message tackles racial tension happening in our country from a Biblical perspective.


Expectations Joy Trust

We constantly deal with unmet expectations that steal our joy. But what if we trusted God to work all things for our good?


Courage Faith Fatherhood Men Perseverance

Men, we’ve been given a role. We’ve been given a responsibility to fight, protect, defend, and serve.