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Fourteen Weeks

10/4/2023 -

Fourteen weeks is just under 100 days. That’s how long our great grandson Marshall was in the NICU at Riley Hospital. Praise God he is finally home!!...

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Don't Give Up

9/27/2023 -

September is suicide awareness month. This is something I hold close to my heart, and all month, I thought about what I could write in this devotion that would be impactful to readers. I pored over statistics, reports, graphs, and articles until they all blurred together. It all brought me a conclusion that I already knew-mental illness affects millions and millions of people...

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The Journey and the Destination

9/20/2023 -

I read bumper stickers, t-shirts, and tattoos. To me, they are an indication of how a person views their life or circumstances. Sometimes, the slogan will identify them with a specific group in society. They often serve as a conversation starter, a silent prayer for a stranger, or at the very least, a subject for contemplation. One slogan I have seen several times is a philosophy coined by T. S. Eliot, the writer, “It’s not the destination, but the journey that matters”. When you take time to think about that quote, you might realize the destination and the journey are equally important...

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Despite My Superstitions

9/13/2023 -

I’m a little superstitious. I won’t try to rationalize it. I’ve lived under the mercy and grace of our Father long enough to know better. But you can still find me holding my breath while passing a graveyard, knocking on wood, and wishing on 11:11am/pm. Some of them are just youthful habits, while others are more like a side-eye to God warning Him not to mess with me because I’m sensitive!...

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Come As You Are

8/30/2023 -

If you have been told/or felt like you weren’t welcome in church before, I’m sorry. That is never what Jesus intended. He intended for the church to be a hospital for sinners. And we are all sinners...

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