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Look For the Glory

11/8/2023 -

Earlier this week, I was doing some additional reading from our small group study in the book of Exodus. We had a discussion about seeing the face of God, and that conversation caused me to dive into the Word, where I landed at Exodus 33:18...

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Prayer Changes Things

11/1/2023 -

Prayer is dominant and universal in all religions. Britannica defines prayer as an act of communication with the sacred, or Holy God, gods, the transcendent realm, or supernatural powers. Instinctively, humans know there is a power greater than themselves. But, Christianity defines that power as God with a capital G because that is His name...

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The One Where I Quit My Job

10/25/2023 -

I would come home from work after a long day of being respected and listened to by a bunch of men who knew better than to talk bad about me to my face, and I could not understand why my husband didn’t fall in line as well. I was smart, effective and my intentions were always good...

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Unwavering Hope

10/18/2023 -

There’s a four-letter word I tend to overuse in my day-to-day conversations. I mean it as an encouragement, but it more often comes across as an uncertain wish for the future. I confess, I am a hope addict. I hope you have a good day. I hope you’ll get the job. I hope you’ll have a safe trip. I hope for healing from this illness. I hope for your peace and comfort. Too frequently, I employ the word hope in a fragile way, indicating my desire for a good outcome...

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Thank A Pastor

10/11/2023 -

Did you know October is Pastor Appreciation Month? I’m sure some of you do, but I’m guessing most don’t. This month, in my opinion, doesn’t get enough attention. These men and women give their time shepherding us because of a call God placed on their hearts. They spend countless unseen hours planning-sermons, special events, bible studies, budgets, Sunday services, online services, also making sure there are enough volunteers. Pastoring a church is 24/7 and is a calling, not a job...

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